Broadband = Shopping

The past several years have seen an increase in online shopping. This trend has been dramatically accelerated by the quarantines, shutdowns, and shelter-in-place orders related to the pandemic. As people avoid large crowds, broadband has been a valuable tool in finding sources for needed supplies.

In many communities, local businesses offer their goods and services through their website and online shopping platforms. While sites such as Amazon, eBay, and Etsy give you access to unlimited vendors across the world, your local business community may also be selling there as well.

Online grocery shopping has grown in popularity as well. From your local grocery stores to big retailers like Walmart, Target, and Publix, retailers are making it easy for shoppers to fill their online carts with groceries, pay online, and schedule a time to pick up their supplies – often without going inside the store. Grocery delivery services are available in some communities, providing even more convenience.

Some needed supplies or gift items can be difficult to find a physical store. Online shopping connects you to an endless number of sources for whatever you’re looking for. And your broadband connection is the key to finding it all.